Authentic Spoon Nutrition Podcast, founded by Australian Practising Dietitian & Nutritionist Tess Keightley is the new kid on the (podcasting) block - discussing all topics nutrition, business for health professional, and “authentic conversations” with inspiring people.
Despite its infancy, Authentic Spoon Nutrition Podcast is averaging 4000 downloads per episode.
Authentic Spoon Nutrition Podcast takes a refreshing spin on podcasting, discussing the topics that matter most to you; in an easy to understand, digestible manner that can be instantly applied to your current lifestyle. Authentic Spoon Nutrition Podcast is a judgement-free space that encourages balance rather than punishment. What good is life without a cheese board anyway?!
Have a topic you’d like covered - or a question you’d like answered? Drop a line below for your chance to be featured on the pod!
*Be sure to leave your name out if you’d like to remain anonymous.